My favorites of the mo[nth]ment
Here are my favorites, not of the month, but of the moment.
Here we go!
When you match 7 signs out of 8, you probably are a HSP. As a HSP, this types of videos not only help me to understand myself better, but also to explain myself to others or share this videos to my surroundings so that they can understand me a little bit better. I loved the graphics and the way it was simply and very clearly explained.
THIS VIDEO! Hands down one of my favorite of her whole entire channel and maybe from YT in general. This topic is so important and it makes me so happy that we are talking about what concern more than half of the humanity. I mean, we are in 2018, come on....why birth control and women's body is still tabou? I wish they were people like her who talk about that when I was younger. Young women, young girls and even boys need to know more about that topic. That is why I love YT in the first place: talks, discussion, informations, education, self-love etc.
I have to share that part of her video where she said:
" [...] Women are really screwing up our bodies if we shouldn't have all these hormones running around. I do feel that there is a huge gap between the expectations of a woman in birth control and men. In 2017, birth control was a 16.5 billion dollars industry in the US. That's crazy! That's pills, new venires, the sponge [...]. That is how large the industry is. And they are 336 million of the counter female purchases of birth control [...].That there is no a hormonal option or any kind of birth control option for men other that is available on the market other than vasectomy and condoms or pull-out method or abstinence. If you take the information that you know about how many sales are made from birth control, which is crazy, or that there is no hormonal options for men, there is no temporary option for birth control or contraception other that condoms for men, that is interesting. They are actually rumors going around for a while about a contraception called "vasagel": a temporary vasectomy that started in India. [...] The only problem is that, there is no funding left for it, because there is not an industry. There is no money in having a one time, one stop shop every couple years birth control for men. Vasagel is a procedure where you just inject a gel into the vasedifferent - which is the tube that sperm travels through - and it creates a little blocage that stops sperm from getting out. It's basically the same thing as a vasectomy does, but vasectomy cuts that part or burns that veins, so that you no longer have a travel between the two, but it is supposed to be a permanent effect. The thing about vasagel that it is interesting is that it is temporary. It actually flash out of your system after you are done using it or after you don't want to be in there anymore and you want to have kids, you can flash out of your system and it's gone! It's just a needle going into the ball sac and getting out of there. And how amazing would it be if that was something availably here that would be a one stop shop, you could get it done in less than an hour and you wouldn't have to worry about birth control for the next five years or messing with your hormones or any of that!!
This is something that is not available to use because it's not something that has market value: You can't sell that to someone constantly like you can sell birth control every months to a women . And that's sort of where I want to leave the question with you: How do you feel about birth control? How do you feel about the contraceptive or the birth control method that you are using? Do you love IUD? Do you love birth control pills? How they changed your life? If you had the option, would you make your partner use a vasagel or ​ask them to use a vase gel [...] If they were an option, do you think your partner would be receptive to it? I feel like, in our society, we place a lot of importance on women to be the sole proprietors of the temple of their body and we don't pay as much of a mind to men and they're potency. My egg was minding it's now business before your sperm decided to join the party. I just wish that we place little bit more important on male birth control or some form of birth control that wouldn't have to lend on the shoulders of women all the time."
A must listen!
Aaaaa periods...there is a lot to talk about and we have to stop this taboo around them. More than half the population on this earth have let's talk about it. It's interesting I promise. And let's talk break this stupid taboo around them: it's 100% normal, natural, not gross. Not that I PARTICULARILY love them, but's an important topic. I personally still learn every day new things about periods and the woman body and this video helped me a lot to understand them.
Love your boobs. I’ve always loved my boobs. I love their size, their shape etc. And this video makes me even more in love with them.
23 minutes of pure bliss. This woman is one of my favorite influencer on Youtube. She talks about things that I do not see on any other channel and and man…this freshness is very welcomed. Just her, her camera, old school youtube that I love.
A video full of kindness, she talks about conventional wisdom about veganism and how to motivate oneself to take care of our health without being too complicated as one might think or do not know how to do it, without feeling guilty or discouraged. It is for people who want to try a healthier lifestyle or want to do their best without too much trouble.
I discovered Valeria's youtube channel at the begging of this year and I instantly fell in love with her. Her personality and her lifestyle is very inspiring to me. Healthy lifestyle and I love the way she speaks to her children and the relationship she has with them and her amazing husband Gary. Her story is also very interesting and I've learned a lot about myself thanks to her. She promotes empowerment, self-love, raw emotions, honesty and that video with her mom who struggled and tried to offer her children the best life she could was very emotional and strong.
9) Lunar Eclipse
On the 27th of july, the longest lunar eclipse of the XXIth of Century appears. It was magical. As a cancer, a water and moon sign, I felt in in my entire body and soul. I am very spiritual and I have a strong link to the moon. My boyfriend, some friends of us and his family went on the top of the mountain near where wel live and enjoyed a picnic while watching the moon (and the planet Mars) passing by in the sky. I had an amazing time. Knowing that the next one will be in times where all of us will not be here and thinking how far all these planets are and that we are able to see them with our own little eyes made me feel so many emotions. I felt so powerful, so grateful and so tiny at the same time. Astronomy and astrology are discplines that fascinate me as much as they frighten me. It was wonderful.
10) Lebanese restaurant "Le Sofra"
I went to this restaurant with my boyfriend one night and it was the best. Seriously, as I've always said, lebanese and in general arabic food is my favorite food of all time and that restaurant is on the top of my list.
11) Swimming in the Rhône river
I have never been swimming into the river than this summer. Sine it's super hot in Switzerland (and I think in a lot of countries), I really enjoy the freshness of the water. I am really lucky to live at 1 min from the river and I've been jumping into the water almost every single day after work or during the weekends. The simple things in life that make me so happy.
12) My lululemon pants
Not only these pants makes you look like a goddess but they are the most comfortable pants of all time. Not only for the gym or yoga but I can literally live in them 24/7. With a white tee, jean jacket and espadrilles and you ae good to go. bam!
Best investment of the year so far!
13) Fruits and smoothie bowls
Fruits are definitely my favorite food of all time. And summer is offering plenty of them which makes me a happy human being let me tell you: melons, peaches, nectarines, figs, kiwi, pineapple, mangoes....In their whole form or in smoothies, I love them! So refreshing, so energizing.
14) Simple foods
For the last few weeks I tend to enjoy more and more simple foods. Why? Because I feel the best when I eat a whole foods plant based diet. Seriously guys: Long live the whole foods plant based diet! I've been really inspired by Stella The Light's lifestyle, her meals I and her moto: « Earth to mouth ». YAS girl!
15) Yoga
My love for yoga grows more and more the more I practice it. Yoga is seriously the best and my favorite form of exercise.
16) Taking charge of my fertility
I've been super interesting in fertility, periods, hormones, birth controls, women bodies and all of that. It's super interesting. Recently, I discovered "Natural Cycles" and many other natural methods to track your cycles. And it's fascinating and so sad at the same time. Sad because I am 26 years old and I've never heard of natural birth control before and I think society HAVE to take it's responsibilities and have to explain and show to women ALL the possibilities they can embrace, not just the ones that make more money. Fertility and hormones are super important for women and most of them don't even know the principles and how they affect their bodies. I highly recommend to women AND men to educate themselves about this subject by reading some incredible books like "How to take charge of your fertility " by Toni Weschler and also "Womancode: perfect your cycle, amplify your fertility, supercharge your sex drive and become a power source" by Alisa Vitti.
PS: I also made an instagram post about it.
17) Plastic free and zero waste
Seeing all these changes towards a better planet with zero waste and plastic pollution last month (july) with #plasticfreejuly was so heartwarming and I all the energy put into banning straws following the massive campaign induced by this well-known image of this hippocampus hanging on a qtips and all the images relayed on social medias and the net about landfills. Even if the situation in itself is really sad, I actually was really surprised of how well it was received and of how fast things change. I feel like changes are happening faster and faster.
18) Queen - Jessie J
"I love my body. I love my skin. I am a goddess. I am a queen". I think everything is said. So happy to see more and more body positivity and women empowerment. Jessie J is one of my all time favorite singer but also human. Her personality and the fact that she uses her talent to promote and share positivity is so attractive and inspiring.
Again, a beautiful song. Not much else to say about it except the fact that I've listened to that song probably 10 times a day.
Those lyrics tho and can we take a moment to appreciate the voice of Jess Glynne. I mean, she is INSANELY talented.
21) Headspace - meditation app
Since I started yoga, there is now 3 years, I have also been interested in the many benefits of meditation without really doing it diligently. Thanks to this application that I discovered thanks to the ads on youtube (for once the youtube ads are positive and prove good habits),I started meditation little by little and I must say that it has me much brought in my personal development, in my relationship to the body and refocus on myself but also in my relationship with my environment and my surroundings by taking things with more lightness and positivity. Meditation teaches you to be less stressed, to sleep better, to stay focused etc. and I have already seen the benefits, even if it is a practice that I have more trouble following than yoga for example.This app is really great, I recommend it to everyone. It can be downloaded for free from Applestore.
22) Summer
Because summer is my favorite thing in the world and because everything in summer makes me happier. Sun, water, fruits, sunsets, going out, nature, walks, go out, sunrise, the weather, the temperature, fresh drinks etc. Summer, I love you.
Much love.